How To Let Your Target Audience To Read Your E-Mail?

How To Let Your Target Audience To Read Your E-Mail?

It goes without saying that e-mail marketing is one of the most effective techniques that allows to attract new clients. It seems very simple. You find e-mails of your potential clients and describe all benefits and perspectives of your product or service and make “unique proposition”. The point is that frequently such letters appear in spam box or users delete them.

In order to prevent e-mail from getting into spam box:

  • Don’t use too “catchy” titles (the cheapest, the best, unique proposition, hurry up etc)
  • Clarify the topic and goal of the letter
  • Name of the sender should be familiar to clients and to be unmistakable.
  • Use “unsubscribe” bottom/link in the letter
  • Don’t do bulk mailing to frequently
  • Do bulk mailing regular.

The main goal of e-mail marketing is to force a client to read your letter.

There are 3 main aspects:

  • Target audience
  • Content
  • Right time

Target audience

First of all it’s necessary to define your target audience properly. Target audience should not just be interested in your product or service but need it.  Marketer should undertake a study in order to define what exactly the target audience are in want of and offer it.


Second point is content. When you define what your potential clients need, you should assure potential clients that only your company is able to satisfy needs and meet all requirements.

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There are several tips:


  • Don’t start sentences like “Our company…”, “Our product…”, “Our service…”, “we are…” etc. Always call on clients and point out which benefits they will get.
  • Make benefits clear. Not very long list of benefits in ascending order or in descending order is effective way.
  • Don’t use common phrases like “wide range”, “wide choice”, “wide range of services”, “market leader”, “personal service”, “ individual attention” etc. To make a long story short, avoid clichés
  • Be specific; point out concrete figures and statistic data. Figures, diagrams and graphs are easier for perception that solid text, so use data visualization tools and illustrate clients benefits.
  • Divide your text into paragraphs, emphasize crucial moments by color or font, and highlight the lists. It’s important to not overcarry. Use classical black fonts, white background, and one or two colors to underline something.
  • The letter should be no longer than 1 list A4, nobody likes to read long texts.
  • Use “Post Scriptum”. There is could be information about sales, actions, coupons and so on in P.S. part of the letter.
  • Attach promotional coupons.
  • Draw clients attention to limited life of actions or sale. Put this information in the P.S. part also.
  • Make the letter more personal than average advertisement. Always use potential client’s name, mention his business, make compliments and always thank.
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Right time

Even though you follow the rules of composing e-mail and reach out your target audience, mailing can remain without results. The problem is to define the right time for letter. It’s not about just seasonal goods and services. But if your business is subjected to seasonal fluctuations, you should take into account this moment.

Let me give an example on not seasonal business – link trade. It has no sense to offer link for rent prior to Google algorithm updating or right after updating.

The idea is to choose the time when your service or good will be in demand.

Let’s imagine that you sell school and office supplies. You have to admit that mailing during the summer time will not bring about positive results. On the other hand, you will get less profit if you start sending mails in October. The proper time is August.

Consequently, marketers should analyze and predict customer behavior depending on seasonal need and specific of selling product or service.